XR Experience → Impulse: Playing with Reality

2 Impulse: Playing with Reality

With two realities emerging right in front of you, follow the colourful and occasionally chaotic inner workings of our brains to discover how we process and make sense of the world. The narrative truly begins when you settle in, as four characters' strories spill out into your real life environment through breathtaking MR.

Reflecting on our own interactions as well as diverse life stories and perspectives, we discover the different ways in which ADHD can affect people and consider how systems around us could change to make space for us all.

Directors: Barry Gene Murphy, May Abdalla
Executive Producers: Kirsty Jennings, Amy Seidenwurm
Lead Producer: John Hunter,
Co-Producers: Katayoun Dibamehr, Avi Amar
Contact: John Hunter, Anagram, john@weareanagram.co.uk